Monday, August 29, 2011

Women in technology worth following on Twitter

Check out as there are several individuals that might be of interest to follow on Twitter.

Good developer compensation post

This post regarding developer compensation at Stack Overflow is a great read.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Social Media Tools and Crime

It was inevitable that social media tools would be used for spurious activity It just shows h0w we are still in the infancy of technology based interaction for the masses. I'm sure we'll see more and more tools for the law enforcement perspective as well.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Glimpse of what technology will do when we move beyond the mouse/keyboard

This interesting article on utilization of Microsoft Kinect in healthcare provides a glimpse of the future. Once we move beyond the mouse and keyboard the possibilities are encouraging.

Microsoft Senior Marketing Manager-Digital Events

Check out for the details.